How Much Does It Cost?
Compared to many other extracurricular activities, Cub Scouts is quite affordable. Here is a breakdown of costs to participate in Cub Scouts.
There is an annual registration fee of $112.27 that you must pay directly to the BSA each year. This includes a national registration fee of $85, a council fee of $24, and a 3% credit card processing fee. You may also choose to purchase an optional Scout Life magazine subscription for $15 per year. None of these fees go to Pack 508.
We collect annual Pack 508 dues of $80 each year. The dues help to pay for pack events (Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold celebration, picnic, etc), pack and den meeting supplies, and advancement awards.
The Cub Scout uniform and handbook will cost around $160 to initially purchase. Much of the uniform can be reused from year to year, so this is not an annual cost. We also have a uniform bank with previously used apparel, which may help to reduce this cost.
There are some events during the year which may require additional fees if your family chooses to participate. Some examples are certain overnight events, sporting events, and council run events at Camp Chesebrough. We do our best to select activities which provide an excellent value for the associated cost.